Over the past half-century, human societies have successfully conquered Space, turning it into a new territory.
This Chair explores the new cultural, geostrategic and environmental issues revolving around the notion of space as a territory or common good for humanity.
Three objectives
- Develop cutting-edge multidisciplinary research
- Raise public awareness
- Train future researchers and decision-makers
Three main areas of research
- Uses and representations of Space
- Reconciling space as a common good and space as a sovereignty issue
- What sustainable uses of space
September highlights for the Space Chair
The Chair will be presenting its research areas and its first-semester course on Tuesday 3 September and Wednesday 11 September.
Two post doc join the Space Chair
The recruitment campaign, which ran from April to June, attracted a large number of profiles, most of which were multidisciplinary. Candidates came from philosophy, history, political science, sociology, STS, law and international relations.
A course on the key issues in space law
Entitled ‘International relations in outer space through a legal prism’, it is taught by two doctoral students in law, Katia Coutant and Alban Guyomarc’h. This course offers an in-depth analysis of international relations and the legal framework relating to human activities in outer space.
A course about the challenges of space democratization
What are the strategic and geopolitical issues involved in democratising access to space? A course at the Centre interdisciplinaire d’études stratégiques (CIENS) is looking at this question.
A look back at the launch of the Space Chair
The ENS’s prestigious Lettres library hosted the launch of the Espace chair on February 1, an event you can now watch on Savoirs ENS.
The Space Chair is offering a PhD position
Candidates must hold a Master’s degree (or obtain one by September 2024 at the latest) in one of the disciplines relevant to the Chair’s research themes (economics, history, geopolitics, political science, philosophy, law, sociology, cybersecurity, geosciences and climate and environmental sciences, earth sciences, etc.). To apply – Deadline May 20, 2024.